Getting A Dental Bridge For A Missing ToothGetting A Dental Bridge For A Missing Tooth

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Getting A Dental Bridge For A Missing Tooth

Hi, my name is Robin Pearson and when I had to have a tooth pulled, I was just devastated. I didn't want to have a gap in my mouth so I asked my dentist what he could do. My dentist said there were a couple of options regarding replacing a tooth that's missing. The option that interested me was a dental bridge. I went home and read all I could about dental bridges so I would completely understand how they work to fill in the missing space in my mouth. Since I am very pleased with my dental bridge, I wanted to share this information with other people who are also considering this option for a missing tooth.


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Address A Damaged Molar That Has Become Infected

If you fell off your bike several years ago and chipped one of your molars, your dentist may have suggested that you have the tooth sealed or at least keep a close eye on the affected molar and inform them if you experience discomfort or additional chipping as time passes. If you opted out of the sealant and now are beginning to notice signs of swelling near your gumline, the damaged tooth may be infected, resulting in the need for root canal treatment.

Don't Take Chances With An Infection

Even a minor infection can become a serious problem if you avoid making an appointment with your dentist. An infection can spread and can even make you sick if it passes into your bloodstream.

Sure, it can be scary to encounter discomfort or the thought of your tooth not being able to be salvaged, but with today's technology and the option to have a root canal performed, you have a good chance of having the problem remedied so that your tooth will remain intact. During your appointment, learn as much as you can about the root canal procedure so that you can make a sensible decision about receiving one.

A root canal is a fairly standard dental technique. It involves the removal of the nerve and pulp that are associated with the affected tooth. Afterwards, the interior part of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. The sealant will prevent decay and will preserve your tooth's strength.

Take Medication If Advised

Prior to receiving a root canal, the infection that you are dealing with needs to be addressed. Your dentist may prescribe oral medication or a topical solution that can be applied directly to your gumline. Treat the infection as advised and schedule a follow-up exam so that the dentist can ensure that the infection has been effectively treated.

Determine How Much You Will Need To Pay

If you have dental insurance, your root canal may be covered by your policy. If you are a self-paying patient, however, you may be shocked to learn how much money a root canal will cost.

If you are lacking enough money to pay the appointment fee in entirety, level with your dental provider and inquire about setting up a payment arrangement. If you have always paid your dental bills in a timely manner in the past, you may be granted a plan that can be paid weekly or monthly.