Getting A Dental Bridge For A Missing ToothGetting A Dental Bridge For A Missing Tooth

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Getting A Dental Bridge For A Missing Tooth

Hi, my name is Robin Pearson and when I had to have a tooth pulled, I was just devastated. I didn't want to have a gap in my mouth so I asked my dentist what he could do. My dentist said there were a couple of options regarding replacing a tooth that's missing. The option that interested me was a dental bridge. I went home and read all I could about dental bridges so I would completely understand how they work to fill in the missing space in my mouth. Since I am very pleased with my dental bridge, I wanted to share this information with other people who are also considering this option for a missing tooth.


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4 Surprising Symptoms Of TMJ Disorder

Characterized by pain in the temporomandibular joint, TMJ disorder can affect your ability to eat, speak, and live a normal life. While surprising to hear, TMJ disorder affects an estimated 10 million Americans. In most cases, the condition is caused by stress and the constant grinding of the teeth, arthritis, an injury to the mouth, or a misaligned bite. Pain may be the most common symptom of TMJ disorder, but some patients experience surprising signs. This guide will teach you a few surprising symptoms of TMJ disorder.

Popping/Clicking Noises

One of the most shocking signs of TMJ disorder is an actual popping or clicking sound when you open or close your mouth. To understand why this sound is heard, you need to understand how the disorder affects your jaw joint.

The temporomandibular joint acts as a hinge to your upper and lower jaw bone. This hinge helps your mouth open and close in a smooth, even manner. If the joint is malfunctioning in any way, you may notice the popping and clicking sounds.

Damage to the actual joint or a misaligned bite will prevent the joint from operating properly, causing the noticeable popping and clicking sounds.

Ear Pain

The temporomandibular joint is located on both sides of your head, in front of your ears. TMJ disorder causes stress in the jaw area, which is painful to not only the jaw, but also the entire head. In many cases, the pain can spread and become severe, causing actual ear aches because of the joint's location.

Some patients may experience ongoing ear pain that drives them to visit their doctor for antibiotics because they believe they have an ear infection. However, antibiotics will not be effective for treating your TMJ pain, so you will need to consult your doctor or orthodontist for treatment options.


Most people who have tinnitus have some sort of auditory issue, such as hearing loss. It can also be caused by an excess of wax buildup, an injury to the head or neck, or a side effect of taking certain prescription medications.

On the other hand, tinnitus, or a ringing in the ears, is also one of the lesser-known symptoms of TMJ disorder. If you have a misaligned bite or have experienced damage to the temporomandibular joint due to arthritis or an injury, the tension can cause auditory issues, such as ringing in the ear. Most patients who undergo orthodontic care or surgical treatment to realign the bite or repair the damaged joint see an enormous reduction in the tinnitus.

Obstruction of Airways

Lastly and probably the most life-threatening, TMJ disorder can obstruct your airway, limiting your breathing, which can be incredibly dangerous.

If your TMJ disorder is caused by a misalignment of your jaw, your tongue may sit in an abnormal position inside your mouth. If the tongue sits too far back, it will prevent air from moving through your airway properly. This obstruction of your airway can prevent you from breathing and swallowing food correctly.

An obstruction of your airway is most prominent at night when you are sleeping and your throat is most relaxed. Severe cases can cause you to have actual lapses in your breathing, which is known as sleep apnea. If you snore excessively and loudly, wake up tired, and struggle to get a good night's rest, you may have sleep apnea caused by TMJ disorder.

Help is available if you are living with one or more of these surprising symptoms of TMJ disorder. Realigning your bite through braces and other orthodontic treatments or even undergoing a surgical repair of your damaged jaw joint are all options to consider.