Getting A Dental Bridge For A Missing ToothGetting A Dental Bridge For A Missing Tooth

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Getting A Dental Bridge For A Missing Tooth

Hi, my name is Robin Pearson and when I had to have a tooth pulled, I was just devastated. I didn't want to have a gap in my mouth so I asked my dentist what he could do. My dentist said there were a couple of options regarding replacing a tooth that's missing. The option that interested me was a dental bridge. I went home and read all I could about dental bridges so I would completely understand how they work to fill in the missing space in my mouth. Since I am very pleased with my dental bridge, I wanted to share this information with other people who are also considering this option for a missing tooth.


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Time For Dentures? You May Want To Consider All-On-Four Implants Instead

Has the time come to have your last remaining teeth removed and replaced with a denture? This is a difficult decision to make, but knowing that you'll soon be able to eat more comfortably can serve as the motivation. One thing you may want to consider, however, is opting for all-on-four implants rather than a traditional denture. Here's a closer look at this type of dental implant and why it's such a good choice for patients who no longer have their natural teeth.

What's an all-on-four implant?

If you were to have a single tooth replaced with a dental implant, the implant would consist of a screw portion that's inserted into your jaw bone along with a crown portion, which is the visible part of your tooth. When you're missing all of your teeth -- or all of the teeth on either your upper or lower jaw -- replacing each tooth with a single implant would be painful, time-consuming, and costly. 

All-on-four implants work a bit differently. They consist of four screws inserted to the jaw bone. Then, a full set of upper or lower teeth (crowns) are attached to those four screws. If you need both your upper and lower teeth replaced, then four screws will be placed in your upper jaw bone -- and four more in your lower jaw bone.

What are the advantages of all-on-four implants over dentures?

At first, it may sound silly to undergo dental surgery and have implants placed in your jaw when you could just pop a denture in painlessly instead. But the reality is that wearing a conventional denture is not always all it's cracked up to be. Many patients find that the dentures move about as they chew. Learning to talk with dentures is not always easy, either, and there may be sounds you always struggle to pronounce correctly.

Once you heal from your all-on-four implant procedure, you'll hardly be able to tell the difference between your implants and natural teeth. They'll look just like natural teeth and they'll feel just like natural teeth when you talk and eat. You'll also care for them just as you would real teeth -- with daily brushing and flossing.

Having all-on-four implants inserted is a surgical process that takes place over several months. You'll have the screws put into place, and then once your jaw heals, the crowns will be added. If you can put up with a few months of mild discomfort, then you'll get to enjoy a more natural chewing experience for the rest of your life. For more information, contact a business such as Kenneth Schweizer DDS PA.