Dental Bonding: A Few Commonly Asked Questions
For either structural or aesthetic reasons, dental bonding can ultimately help the overall look and feel of your smile. Although the name dental bonding is well known, few people seem to know what the process actually entails or any of the details revolving around dental bonding. Read on and have a few commonly asked questions about dental bonding answered for you.
When Is Dental Bonding Considered An Option?
There are numerous reasons why a dentist might recommend that you seek out dental bonding. Among these reasons include protection of a tooth's root that has been exposed to the elements after a gum has receded, to act much in the same way fillings do (by repairing a decayed or decaying tooth), as an alternative to composite fillings, to restore the color of yellowed teeth, to reshape a tooth, to close tooth gaps, or simply to lengthen a tooth.
How Long Does The Bonding Last?
It is difficult to say without a close inspection of your teeth, so only your dentist can give you a definitive answer. This is due to the fact that the answer relies on how much bonding material will be used as well as your oral hygiene habits. A person who is fastidious about keeping their teeth clean is going to have bonding that lasts considerably longer. Generally speaking however, bonding can last anywhere from three to ten years.
Do Teeth That Have Been Bonded Require Any Special Care?
Generally speaking, teeth that have been bonded require no additional care beyond that of simply making sure that you practice good oral hygiene. Make sure that you brush and floss twice a day, and you use an antiseptic mouth wash after meals. It should be noted that, much like your enamel, bonded material can chip. That is why you should ween yourself away from habits that can cause this to occur. For example, don't chew on any inedible objects. Even items that aren't considered particularly tough, like straws, can wind up damaging the bonding to your teeth and can possibly chip away. If you believe that your bonded material has suffered from a chip, give a call to your dentist and make an appointment with him or her as soon as you can.
If you believe that dental bonding might be an option for a tooth ailment, it is best to discuss the matter with a dentist, such as Richard M Holmes DMD PA.