Getting A Dental Bridge For A Missing ToothGetting A Dental Bridge For A Missing Tooth

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Getting A Dental Bridge For A Missing Tooth

Hi, my name is Robin Pearson and when I had to have a tooth pulled, I was just devastated. I didn't want to have a gap in my mouth so I asked my dentist what he could do. My dentist said there were a couple of options regarding replacing a tooth that's missing. The option that interested me was a dental bridge. I went home and read all I could about dental bridges so I would completely understand how they work to fill in the missing space in my mouth. Since I am very pleased with my dental bridge, I wanted to share this information with other people who are also considering this option for a missing tooth.


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If your dentist has told you that you need to have a few teeth extracted, you may be trying to decide how to replace those missing teeth. Both dentures and implants will provide you with replacement teeth. However, before you decide between the two, here are four reasons why dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth.

Implants Look and Act Like Your Natural Teeth

You want your teeth to look and act like your natural teeth. That's what you'll get with dental implants.  Because each tooth is individually implanted into your jaw, you won't have the molded appearance of dentures. Not only that but, because your implants will be surgically implanted into your jaw bone, they'll act like your natural teeth, as well. That means you won't have to watch what you eat once you have implants.

Implants Help Keep Your Jaw Healthy

When your natural teeth are extracted, the bone surrounding the teeth comes out too. Before your dental implants are installed, your dentist will perform a bone graft, which will help restore the bone loss you've experienced prior to the implant procedure. The implants will then be surgically inserted into your jaw bone. The implants bond with your jaw bone, which helps keep the bone healthy and strong. In addition, the implants will also prevent future bone loss. Because dentures sit on your jaw bone, they can cause your bone to deteriorate - a condition known as bone atrophy. However, you won't have that problem with implants. Your implants will also prevent your remaining natural teeth from shifting by holding them in their proper position.

Implants are Cleaned Like Your Natural Teeth

When you have dental implants, you can clean them like you would your own natural teeth – with a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. You won't need any special equipment or cleansers, and you won't need to take them out at night to soak. Simply brush your implants at least twice a day and floss after each meal. It's important to remember that you'll still need to see your dentist at least twice a year to ensure that your mouth and gums are healthy. 

If you're going to be having your teeth extracted, be sure you choose the right replacements. For more information about the benefits of choosing dental implants, be sure to consult with your dentist. He or she will be able to give you the best answer since they know your case personally.