Managing Invisalign Discomfort
In the world of orthodontic treatments, Invisalign is considered revolutionary. This treatment affords you all the benefits of traditional braces without the look of traditional braces. While an Invisalign treatment is fairly easy to have installed and easy to maintain, it is not uncommon for some level of discomfort to accompany this treatment. Knowing what to expect and how to combat it can make your experience more enjoyable.
What Should I Expect?
When it comes to Invisalign treatments, there is no general rule of thumb. Everyone has a different pain tolerance, so interpretations of discomfort will also be different. It's important to understand that Invisalign treatments are designed to slowly shift teeth position.
This occurs as the aligner compresses against the teeth. In order for this repositioning to occur, you should expect some level of discomfort, in the form of soreness or tenderness, around your gum line. However, on a positive note, most people only experience discomfort during the first few days after receiving new aligners. If you are experiencing discomfort that extends beyond this period, it's a good idea to speak with your dental provider.
Pain Management Tips
When it comes to managing pain, there are a number of different things you can do; here are a few of them.
Diet adjustment. After installation, consider switching to a diet that consist primarily of soft foods. Eating hard foods when your teeth are already sore will only exacerbate any discomfort you feel. Softer foods won't require you to chew as much, helping to minimize discomfort.
Cold compress. Applying a cold compress against your lips and cheeks can also help minimize discomfort. The cold will help slow down the rate at which blood flows to the affected site, helping reduce pain. Apply the compress two to three times a day for 10 minutes.
Switch aligners. If you are experiencing discomfort from your replacement aligners, consider wearing your new aligners at night and your old set during the day, until you get used to them. Your aligners get more comfortable the longer you wear them. By breaking them in at night, any discomfort experienced will be less noticeable as you will likely sleep through it.
If you're looking for a way to enhance the look of your smile, Invisalign can help you achieve your dental goals. Talk with a dentist, such as Port Orchard Dental Care Center, and be patient and allow yourself time to adjust to your new aligners to reveal your new smile.